The associated R package is still being formed and used with unpulblished data. If you want access to the package or the raw data please contact the author Jason M. Gleditsch or author Matthew R. Helmus.
Most recently associated publication is Gleditsch et al. 2022 which is currently in press for the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography. The DOI will be inserted here upon publication.
The Caribbean Macrosystems project aims to better understand the processes that shape the biodiveristy of the Caribbean bioregion. Further, we seek to describe how the anthropogenic movement of species alters the biogeographic relationships of the Caribbean and community assembly.
In order to do this, we have broken up the Caribbean Macrosystems project into four smaller projects each with the goal of answering important questions about island biogeography thoery, drivers of beta-diversity, species coexistence, and the role of economic factors in the spread of species.
In order to run the analyses for this project you will need to install the following packages for data manipulation, the use of biodiversity databases, spatial analyses, phylogenetic analyses, statistical analyses, and graphing.
Data Manipulation Packages
install.packages(c('here', 'reshape', 'readr'))
Biodiversity Packages
install.packages(c('rgbif', 'taxize'))
Spatial Analysis Packages
install.packages(c('rgeos', 'rgdal', 'sf'))
Phylogenetic Anlysis Packages
install.packages(c('ape', 'phyr'))
Statistical Analysis Packages
install.packages(c('FactoMineR', 'MuMIn', 'AICcmodavg'))
Graphing Packages
install.packages(c('ggplot2', 'gridExtra', 'ggpubr'))
You can find the caribmacro
package on git at:
git clone
However, the git repository is not yet up and running. Therefore, in order to reproduce this analysis contact Dr. Mathew Helmus at the Temple University Center for Biodiversity for access to the caribmacro package materials.