
R package and research compendium for a Lycorma delicatula paninvasion risk assessment.

  • Why slfrsk? slf == spotted lanternfly == Lycorma delicatula + rsk == risk
  • Why slf? Its impact to grape production is comparable to grapevine phylloxera.
  • Why grape impact? SLF impacts > 100 plant species, but it prefers grape.


To understand how this paninvasion risk assessment was made:

  1. Read the paper
  2. Dive deep into this research compendium and corresponding large datasets
  3. Install and Build the package

Questions? Feel free to contact us (lead author: N. Huron at or maintainer: M. Helmus at ).


Huron, N. A., Behm, J. E. & Helmus, M. R. 2022. Paninvasion severity assessment of a U.S. grape pest to disrupt the global wine market. Communications Biology, 5:1–11.