Here we describe the use of the functions in the caribmacro project package. We will not go through all of the arguments (see function documentation for that), but rather describe the common uses of the functions and briefly how the functions work where warranted. Importantly, we include the code for each function here so that anyone can see the inner workings of the functions and use these functions without having to download the caribmacro package or go to the project git page.
The gbif_records
function retrieves species records of
user entered taxanomic group(s) from the Global Biodiversity Information
Facility database via the taxize::occ_search
function. Only
records from a designated year range are returned for a geographic area
supplied to the function in the form of a class ‘sp’ object as defined
by the sp
Function Code:
gbif_records <- function (groups, rank, bounds, years,
yr_from = as.numeric(substr(Sys.Date(), 1, 4)),
limit = 50000,
genus_level = FALSE) {
bound <- rgeos::writeWKT(bounds, byid = FALSE)
yr.range <- paste(yr_from - years, yr_from, sep = ",")
out <- data.frame(NULL)
pb <- winProgressBar(title = "Progress Bar", min = 0, max = length(groups), width = 300)
for (i in 1:length(groups)) {
key <- rgbif::name_suggest(q = groups[i], rank = rank)$key[1]
temp <- rgbif::occ_search(taxonKey = key, return = 'data', limit = limit,
fields = c("order", "family", "genus", "species", "eventDate", "year",
"decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude", "basisOfRecord",
"occurrenceID", "references"),
geometry = bound,
year = yr.range)
temp$Group <- groups[i]
out <- rbind(out, temp)
rm(key, temp)
setWinProgressBar(pb, i, title=paste( round(i/length(groups)*100, 0), "% Done", sep = ''))
if (i == length(groups)) {
cat('DONE! \n')
} else {NA}
out <- out[, c("Group", "order", "family", "genus", "species", "eventDate", "year",
"decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitude", "basisOfRecord",
"occurrenceID", "references")]
if (genus_level) {
out <- out
} else {
out <- out[!$species),]
The rec_update
function filters species records that
have GPS coordinates, such as those returned by the function
, and labels them with the closest geographic
feature. All of the records for the individual geographic features that
are already in a user entered species records database are filtered out.
Additionally, the rec_update
function adds a column to the
records data frame that denotes if the species has at least a certain
number (default is rec_num = 5
) of records on a particular
geographic feature for easy determination of record credibility.
rec_update <- function(gbif_occ, geography, geo_name, data, sp_name, num_rec = 5) {
temp <- sf::st_as_sf(gbif_occ, coords = c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude"), crs = st_crs(geography)$proj4string) <- sf::st_drop_geometry(geography)
tmp1 <- sf::st_nearest_feature(temp, geography)
temp[, geo_name] <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(temp)) {
temp[i, geo_name] <- as.character([tmp1[i], geo_name])
geo_group <- levels(as.factor(temp[, geo_name]))
data[, sp_name] <- as.factor(data[, sp_name])
for (i in 1:length(geo_group)){
tmp2 <- setdiff(unique(temp[which(temp[, geo_name] == geo_group[i]), 'species']),
levels(droplevels(data[which(data[, geo_name] == geo_group[i]), sp_name])))
for (j in 1:length(tmp2)){
out <- rbind(out, temp[which(temp[, geo_name] == geo_group[i] & temp$species == tmp2[j]), ])
coords <- as.character(out$geometry)
coords <- sub('c(', '', coords, fixed = TRUE)
coords <- sub(')', '', coords, fixed = TRUE)
coords <- strsplit(coords, ',')
coords <- matrix(unlist(coords), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
coords <-
names(coords) <- c("decimalLongitude", "decimalLatitude")
out <- cbind(out, coords)
out <-[, which(names(out)!='geometry')])
out$ref<-paste(out[, geo_name], out$species, sep="_")
for (i in 1:length(refs)) {
if (nrow(out[which(out$ref == refs[i]),]) >= num_rec) {
out[which(out$ref == refs[i]),'Multiple_Records']<-'YES'
} else {
out[which(out$ref == refs[i]),'Multiple_Records']<-'NO'
return(out[, which(names(out) != 'ref')])
The hierarchy
function searches a user define
biodiversity database for the taxonomic hierarchy (i.e. Kingdom, Phylum,
Class, Order, Family, Genus) of a species or set of species. If
error.ret = TRUE
(the default), the function also
determines if an error has occurred in the matching of the species name
to the data base by comparing the species name returned by the search to
the one supplied by the user. The common errors (i.e. species could not
be found, or the names returned by search and supplied do not match)
will be diagnosed and the errors returned in a message. Any errors will
also be denoted in a new column added to the returned data frame.
hierarchy <- function(data, species, db = 'gbif', error.ret = TRUE) {
sp <- levels(as.factor(data[, species]))
out <- data.frame(NULL)
for (i in 1:length(sp)) {
if (db == 'gbif') {
id <- c(taxize::get_gbifid_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'ncbi') {
id <- c(taxize::get_uid_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'itis') {
id <- c(taxize::get_tsn_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'eol') {
id <- c(taxize::get_eolid_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'col') {
stop(paste(db,"is currently not supported by taxize"))
} else if (db == 'nbn') {
id <- c(taxize::get_id_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'tropicos') {
id <- c(taxize::get_tpsid_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'worms') {
id <- c(taxize::get_wormsid_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'natserv') {
id <- c(taxize::get_natservid_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'bold') {
id <- c(taxize::get_boldid_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'wiki') {
id <- c(taxize::get_wiki_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else if (db == 'pow') {
id <- c(taxize::get_pow_(sp[i], messages = FALSE, rows = 1)[[1]][1,1])
} else {
stop(paste(db,"is not an acceptable database name"))
if (length(id) == 1) {
tmp <- taxize::classification(id, db = db)
if (nrow(tmp[[1]]) == 7) {
tmp2 <- data.frame(sp_in_Data = sp[i],
Kingdom = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'kingdom'), 'name'],
Phylum = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'phylum'), 'name'],
Class = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'class'), 'name'],
Order = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'order'), 'name'],
Family = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'family'), 'name'],
Genus = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'genus'), 'name'],
Species = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'species'), 'name'])
} else if (nrow(tmp[[1]]) == 6) {
tmp2 <- data.frame(sp_in_Data = sp[i],
Kingdom = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'kingdom'), 'name'],
Phylum = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'phylum'), 'name'],
Class = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'class'), 'name'],
Order = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'order'), 'name'],
Family = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'family'), 'name'],
Genus = tmp[[1]][which(tmp[[1]]$rank == 'genus'), 'name'],
Species = NA)
} else {
tmp2 <- data.frame(sp_in_Data = sp[i],
Kingdom = NA,
Phylum = NA,
Class = NA,
Order = NA,
Family = NA,
Genus = NA,
Species = NA)
out <- rbind(out, tmp2)
if (error.ret) {
for (i in as.numeric(rownames(out[!$Species), ]))) {
if (out[i, 'sp_in_Data'] != out[i, 'Species']) {
out[i, 'Error'] <- 'ERROR'
} else {NA}
message('Could not find species: ')
mess<-levels(droplevels(out[$Species), 'sp_in_Data']))
for (i in 1:length(mess)) {
message('Species names that do not match: ')
mess<-levels(droplevels(out[which(out$Error=='ERROR'), 'sp_in_Data']))
for (i in 1:length(mess)) {
out[$Species), 'Error'] <- 'ERROR'
} else {NA}
The div_db_ids
searches for a taxa’s database
identification code for user selected biodiversity databases. By default
(which cannot be changed) the function first looks up the id for the
Catalogue of Life and then based on that id, looks up the other
database(s) ids.
NOTE: The package taxize
is currently not working with
Catalogue of Life due to restriction on its API. Therefore, this
function does not work in its current form and should not be used. The
function, is being worked on and will hopefully be running again
div_db_ids <- function(data, species, db = NULL) {
stop('Catelogue of Life currently not supported:\n div_db_ids function deprecated')
sp <- levels(as.factor(data[, species]))
tmp <- taxize::get_ids(names = sp[i], db = 'col')
out <- data.frame(Species = names(c(tmp[[1]])), = c(tmp[[1]]))
for (i in 2:length(sp)) {
tmp <- taxize::get_ids(names = sp[i], db = 'col')
tmp <- data.frame(Species = names(c(tmp[[1]])), = c(tmp[[1]]))
out <- rbind(out, tmp)
if (length(db) == 1) {
col <- paste(toupper(db), 'id', sep = "_")
out[, col] <- NA
for(i in 1:nrow(out)) {
tmp <- taxize::get_ids(out[i, ''], db = db)
out[i, col]<-tmp[[1]][[1]]
} else if (length(db) == 2) {
col <- paste(toupper(db), 'id', sep = "_")
out[, col[1]] <- NA
out[, col[2]] <- NA
for(i in 1:nrow(out)) {
tmp <- taxize::get_ids(out[i, ''], db = db)
out[i, col[1]]<-tmp[[1]][[1]]
out[i, col[2]]<-tmp[[2]][[1]]
} else if (length(db) == 3) {
col <- paste(toupper(db), 'id', sep = "_")
out[, col[1]] <- NA
out[, col[2]] <- NA
out[, col[3]] <- NA
for(i in 1:nrow(out)) {
tmp <- taxize::get_ids(out[i, ''], db = db)
out[i, col[1]] <- tmp[[1]][[1]]
out[i, col[2]] <- tmp[[2]][[1]]
out[i, col[3]] <- tmp[[3]][[1]]
} else {NA}
The clade_age
function is used to calculate the crown
age of a clade(s) of species based on a user supplied phylogenetic tree.
The crown age is calculated by determining the maximum of the distances
from the root to each node, which is calculated using the
function. The user supplied tree
must be fully time resolved or an error will be returned. The ages
returned will be in the units of the branch lengths in the tree.
clade_age <- function(tree, taxonomy, species, clades, total = TRUE, sp_sep = ' ') {
row.names(taxonomy) <- sub(sp_sep, '_', taxonomy[, species])
out <- data.frame(NULL)
for (i in 1:length(clades)) {
groups <- as.character(sort(unique(taxonomy[, clades[i]])))
tmp1 <- data.frame(NULL)
for (j in 1:length(groups)) {
sub.tree <- ape::drop.tip(tree, setdiff(tree$tip.label,
row.names(taxonomy[which(taxonomy[, clades[i]] == groups[j]), ])))
if (!is.null(sub.tree)) {
tmp2 <- data.frame(Clade = groups[j],
Rank = clades[i],
Age = max(ape::node.depth.edgelength(sub.tree)))
} else {
tmp2 <- data.frame(Clade = groups[j],
Rank = clades[i],
Age = NA)
tmp1 <- rbind(tmp1, tmp2)
out <- rbind(out, tmp1)
if (total) {
tot.tree <- drop.tip(tree, setdiff(tree$tip.label, row.names(taxonomy)))
out <- rbind(out, data.frame(Clade = 'All',
Rank = NA,
Age = max(ape::node.depth.edgelength(tot.tree))))
} else {NA}
The com_matrix
function is used to create a list of i x
j data frames where i is the number of geographical features and j is
the total number of species across those features plus a column for the
geographical feature names. The matrix is filled in with the presence
(1) and absence (0) of each species in the data for a particular species
group. The list returned has k data frames created by the function
where k is the number of species groups. The
species groups are created by a full cross between taxonomic clades and
species statuses. The user can also designate whether or not they what
the combined statuses for each clade as well (total = TRUE
which is default).
com_matrix <- function(data,
stat_levels = unique(data[, status]),
total = TRUE) {
df <- data.frame(NULL)
for (m in 1:length(stat_levels)) {
tmp <- droplevels(data[which(data[, status] == stat_levels[m]), ])
df <- rbind(df, tmp)
data <- df
data[, species] <- gsub(' ', '_', data[, species], fixed = TRUE)
data[, species] <- as.factor(data[, species])
data[, geo_group] <- as.factor(data[, geo_group])
data[, status] <- as.factor(data[, status])
for (i in 1:length(taxa_group)) {
data[, taxa_group[i]] <- as.factor(data[, taxa_group[i]])
data$num <- 1
for (i in 1:length(taxa_group)) {
nams <- NULL
for (l in 1:length(stat_levels)) {
grp <- data.frame(Group = levels(droplevels(data[which(data[, status] == stat_levels[l]),
Status = rep(stat_levels[l],
length(levels(droplevels(data[which(data[, status] == stat_levels[l]),
nams <- rbind(nams, grp)
grp <- levels(as.factor(nams$Group))
for (k in 1:length(grp)) {
for (l in 1:length(stat_levels)) {
if (!is.element(stat_levels[l], nams[which(nams$Group == grp[k]), 'Status'])) {
tmp <- data.frame(Group = grp[k], Status = stat_levels[l])
nams <- rbind(nams, tmp)
} else {NA}
tmp <- list()
for (j in 1:nrow(nams)) {
if (is.element(nams[j, 2], data[which(data[, taxa_group[i]] == nams[j, 1]), status])) {
tmp[[j]] <- suppressMessages(reshape::cast(droplevels(data[which(data[, taxa_group[i]] == nams[j, 1] &
data[, status] == nams[j, 2]), ]),
as.formula(paste(geo_group, "~", species)), min, fill = 0, value = 'num'))
} else {
rows <- levels(data[which(data[, taxa_group[i]] == nams[j, 1]), geo_group])
cols <- levels(droplevels(data[which(data[, taxa_group[i]] == nams[j, 1]), species]))
tmp[[j]] <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(rows), ncol = 1+length(cols)))
names(tmp[[j]]) <- c(geo_group, cols)
tmp[[j]][, geo_group] <- rows
rm(rows, cols)
names(tmp) <- paste(nams[, 1], nams[, 2], sep=".")
out <- c(out, tmp)
rm(tmp, nams)
if (total) {
for (i in 1:length(taxa_group)) {
nams <- data.frame(V1 = levels(droplevels(data[, taxa_group[i]])),
V2 = rep('T', length(levels(droplevels(data[, taxa_group[i]])))))
tmp <- list()
for (j in 1:nrow(nams)) {
tmp[[j]] <- suppressMessages(reshape::cast(droplevels(data[which(data[, taxa_group[i]] == nams[j, 1]),]),
as.formula(paste(geo_group,"~",species)), min, fill = 0, value = 'num'))
names(tmp) <- paste(nams[, 1], nams[, 2], sep=".")
out <- c(out, tmp)
rm(tmp, nams)
nams <- expand.grid("All", stat_levels)
nams[, 1] <- as.character(nams[, 1])
nams[, 2] <- as.character(nams[, 2])
tmp <- list()
for (j in 1:nrow(nams)) {
tmp[[j]] <- suppressMessages(reshape::cast(droplevels(data[which(data[, status] == nams[j, 2]),]),
as.formula(paste(geo_group,"~",species)), min, fill = 0, value = 'num'))
names(tmp) <- paste(nams[, 1], nams[, 2], sep=".")
out <- c(out, tmp)
rm(tmp, nams)
tmp <- list()
tmp[[1]] <- suppressMessages(reshape::cast(data, as.formula(paste(geo_group,"~",species)), min, fill = 0, value = 'num'))
out <- c(out, tmp)
} else {NA}
out <- out[sort(names(out))]
The isolation
function is used to calculate the
isolation metrics based on a Principle Components Analysis (PCA) of
isolation distances for geographic features of interest. Isolation
distances are the summed distances between a geographic feature and all
others (including the mainland), the distance to nearest neighbor,
minimum distance to mainland, and the minimum distance to a source
geographic feature. The user can also designate whether or not they want
the minimum distance to another bank (including the mainland) to be
included in the PCA. These isolation distances follow the procedure used
in Helmus et al. (2014) and they are square root transformed before a
scaled PCA is performed. For the sake of metric interpretation and to
see how well the PCA fit the isolation distances, the PCA eigenvalues
and loadings can be returned at the user’s request
(stats = TRUE
which default).
isolation <- function (dist, source, main,
geo.rm = NULL,
min = TRUE,
sq.rt = TRUE,
scale = TRUE,
stats = TRUE) {
tmp1 <- dist[setdiff(row.names(dist), geo.rm), setdiff(colnames(dist), geo.rm)]
tmp1 <- tmp1[setdiff(row.names(tmp1), main), ]
banks <- as.character(row.names(tmp1))
tmp2 <- data.frame(bank = banks,
sum = rep(NA, length(banks)),
min = rep(NA, length(banks)),
main = rep(NA, length(banks)),
source = rep(NA, length(banks)))
if (sq.rt) {
for (i in 1:length(banks)) {
tmp2[i, 'sum'] <- sqrt(sum(tmp1[banks[i], c(banks, main)]))
tmp2[i, 'min'] <- sqrt(min(tmp1[banks[i], c(banks[which(banks != banks[i])], main)]))
tmp2[i, 'main'] <- sqrt(min(tmp1[banks[i], main]))
tmp2[i, 'source'] <- sqrt(min(tmp1[banks[i], source]))
} else {
for (i in 1:length(banks)) {
tmp2[i, 'sum'] <- sum(tmp1[banks[i], c(banks, main)])
tmp2[i, 'min'] <- min(tmp1[banks[i], c(banks[which(banks != banks[i])], main)])
tmp2[i, 'main'] <- min(tmp1[banks[i], main])
tmp2[i, 'source'] <- min(tmp1[banks[i], source])
rownames(tmp2) <- tmp2$bank
if (min) {
mat <- tmp2[, c('sum', 'min', 'main', 'source')]
temp <- FactoMineR::PCA(mat, scale = scale, graph = FALSE)
iso <- data.frame(bank=row.names($ind$coord)),$ind$coord)[,1],$ind$coord)[,2],$ind$coord)[,3],$ind$coord)[,4])
var <-[["eig"]])
var$PC <- paste('PC', seq(1, nrow(temp[["eig"]]), 1), sep = ".")
row.names(var) <- NULL
names(var) <- c('Eigenvalue', 'X', 'Cum_Var', 'PC')
var <- var[, c('PC', 'Eigenvalue', 'Cum_Var')]
loadings <-[["var"]]$cor)
names(loadings) <- paste('PC', seq(1, nrow(temp[["var"]]$cor), 1), sep = ".")
loadings$Variable <- row.names(loadings)
row.names(loadings) <- NULL
loadings <- loadings[, c('Variable', paste('PC', seq(1, nrow(temp[["var"]]$cor), 1), sep = "."))]
if (stats) {
out <- list(iso, var, loadings)
names(out) <- c('Components', 'Variance', 'Loadings')
} else {
out <- iso
} else {
mat <- tmp2[, c('sum', 'main', 'source')]
temp <- FactoMineR::PCA(mat, scale = scale, graph = FALSE)
iso <- data.frame(bank=row.names($ind$coord)),$ind$coord)[,1],$ind$coord)[,2],$ind$coord)[,3])
var <-[["eig"]])
var$PC <- paste('PC', seq(1, nrow(temp[["eig"]]), 1), sep = ".")
row.names(var) <- NULL
names(var) <- c('Eigenvalue', 'X', 'Cum_Var', 'PC')
var <- var[, c('PC', 'Eigenvalue', 'Cum_Var')]
loadings <-[["var"]]$cor)
names(loadings) <- paste('PC', seq(1, nrow(temp[["var"]]$cor), 1), sep = ".")
loadings$Variable <- row.names(loadings)
row.names(loadings) <- NULL
loadings <- loadings[, c('Variable', paste('PC', seq(1, nrow(temp[["var"]]$cor), 1), sep = "."))]
if (stats) {
out <- list(iso, var, loadings)
names(out) <- c('Components', 'Variance', 'Loadings')
} else {
out <- iso
The PSV_geo
function is used to calculate the
phylogenetic species variability (PSV) for a set of geographic features
of interest from a list of community data frames such as those returned
by the com_matrix
function. The PSV for each community is
calculated for each geographic feature using the phyr::psv
function. The PSV_geo
requires a time resolved tree that
often includes more species than in the community and has tip labels
that match the column names of the community matrix or matrices. The
function will not subset the tree before
calculating the PSVs making them comparable. The function also returns
the other metrics calculated by phy::psv
such as the number
of species used to calculate the PSV for a community on a particular
geographic feature.
PSV_geo <- function(tree, data, geo_group) {
out<-list(data.frame(geo_group=data[[1]][, geo_group]),
data.frame(geo_group=data[[1]][, geo_group]),
data.frame(geo_group=data[[1]][, geo_group]))
for (i in 1:length(out)) {
names(out)<-c('PSV', 'Ntaxa', 'Vars')
for (i in 1:length(data)) {
if (length(intersect(names(data[[i]]), tree$tip.label)) > 0) {
com <- as.matrix([[i]][, 2:ncol(data[[i]])]))
row.names(com) <- data[[i]][, geo_group]
tmp <- phyr::psv(com,tree)
names(tmp) <- paste(names(tmp), names(data)[i], sep=".")
tmp[, geo_group] <- row.names(tmp)
out[['PSV']] <- merge(out[['PSV']], tmp[, c(geo_group, names(tmp)[1])], by = geo_group, all=TRUE)
out[['Ntaxa']] <- merge(out[['Ntaxa']], tmp[, c(geo_group, names(tmp)[2])], by = geo_group, all=TRUE)
out[['Vars']] <- merge(out[['Vars']], tmp[, c(geo_group, names(tmp)[3])], by = geo_group, all=TRUE)
rm(tmp, com)
} else {
tmp <- data.frame(geo_group = data[[i]][, geo_group],
PSVs = rep(NA, length(data[[i]][, geo_group])),
SR = rep(NA, length(data[[i]][, geo_group])),
vars = rep(NA, length(data[[i]][, geo_group])))
names(tmp)[2:4] <- paste(names(tmp)[2:4], names(data)[i], sep=".")
out[['PSV']] <- merge(out[['PSV']], tmp[, c(geo_group, names(tmp)[2])], by = geo_group, all=TRUE)
out[['Ntaxa']] <- merge(out[['Ntaxa']], tmp[, c(geo_group, names(tmp)[3])], by = geo_group, all=TRUE)
out[['Vars']] <- merge(out[['Vars']], tmp[, c(geo_group, names(tmp)[4])], by = geo_group, all=TRUE)
names(out[['PSV']]) <- sub('PSVs.', '', names(out[['PSV']]))
names(out[['Ntaxa']]) <- sub('SR.', '', names(out[['Ntaxa']]))
names(out[['Vars']]) <- sub('vars.', '', names(out[['PSV']]))
The AIC_avg
function runs all combinations of
explanatory variables for a given linear model and ranks them based on
their AICc using the MuMIn::dredge
function. Then the
function averages the coefficients of the models that hold a certain
amount of the AIC model weight (cum.weight = 0.95
is the
default) using the MuMIn::model.avg
function and calculates
the upper and lower 95% confidence levels for those averaged estimates
using the MuMIn::confint
Currently, if running more than one global model through the function
during a session, then the data
, response
, and
arguments need to be used.
AIC_avg <- function(model, data = NULL, groups = NULL, response = NULL, x_vars = NULL,
cum.weight = 0.95, table = FALSE) {
options(na.action = "")
if (!is.null(data)) {
if (!is.null(response) & !is.null(x_vars)) {
res <- response
vars <- x_vars
dat <- data[, c(response, x_vars)]
dat <- droplevels(dat[complete.cases(dat), ])
RHS <- vars[1]
for (j in 2:length(vars)) {
RHS <- paste(RHS, vars[j], sep = '+')
mod <- update(model, as.formula(paste(res, "~", RHS)), data = dat)
} else {
stop('response and/or x_vars not Provided')
} else {
mod <- model
if (table) {
table <- list()
dd <- dredge(mod)
top <- get.models(dd, subset = cumsum(weight) <= cum.weight)
if (length(top) > 0) {
avgm <- model.avg(top)
ci <- confint(avgm)
temp <- data.frame(cbind(avgm$coefficients[1, ]), ci)
names(temp) <- c('Estimate', 'LCL', 'UCL')
temp$Variable <- row.names(temp)
row.names(temp) <- NULL
if (!is.null(groups)) {
for (k in 1:ncol(groups)) {
temp[, names(groups)[k]] <- groups[1, k]
temp<-temp[, c(names(groups), "Variable", "Estimate", "LCL", "UCL")]
} else {NA}
} else {
temp <- data.frame(Estimate = NA, LCL = NA, UCL = NA, Variable = NA)
if (!is.null(groups)) {
for (k in 1:ncol(groups)) {
temp[, names(groups)[k]] <- groups[1, k]
temp<-temp[, c(names(groups), "Variable", "Estimate", "LCL", "UCL")]
} else {NA}
out <- list(temp, dd)
names(out) <- c('Coefficients', 'AIC Table')
} else {
dd <- dredge(mod)
top <- get.models(dd, subset = cumsum(weight) <= cum.weight)
if (length(top) > 0) {
avgm <- model.avg(top)
ci <- confint(avgm)
temp <- data.frame(cbind(avgm$coefficients[1, ]), ci)
names(temp) <- c('Estimate', 'LCL', 'UCL')
temp$Variable <- row.names(temp)
row.names(temp) <- NULL
if (!is.null(groups)) {
for (k in 1:ncol(groups)) {
temp[, names(groups)[k]] <- groups[1, k]
temp<-temp[, c(names(groups), "Variable", "Estimate", "LCL", "UCL")]
} else {NA}
} else {
temp <- data.frame(Estimate = NA, LCL = NA, UCL = NA, Variable = NA)
if (!is.null(groups)) {
for (k in 1:ncol(groups)) {
temp[, names(groups)[k]] <- groups[1, k]
temp<-temp[, c(names(groups), "Variable", "Estimate", "LCL", "UCL")]
} else {NA}
out <- temp
options(na.action = "na.omit")
The r_squared
function calculates the Multiple
R2 and Adjusted R2 from beta estimates for a
linear model. The function is particularly suited for the calculation of
R2 values for averaged models like those returned by the
r_squared <- function(estimates, data, response, x_vars, display = TRUE) {
dat <- data[complete.cases(data), ]
x_dat <- dat[, x_vars]
n <- nrow(dat)
p <- length(x_vars)
intercept <- setdiff(estimates[, 1], x_vars)
if (length(intercept) == 0) {
int <- 0
} else if (length(intercept) > 1) {
stop('length(setdiff(estimates[, 1], x_vars)) > 1: cannot determine Y Intercept')
} else {
int <- estimates[which(estimates[, 1] == intercept), 2]
tmp <- data.frame(Y = dat[, response],
Y.hat = rep(NA, length(dat[, response])))
for (i in 1:nrow(tmp)) {
ests <- c(NULL)
X <- c(NULL)
for (j in 1:length(x_vars)) {
ests <- c(ests, estimates[which(estimates[, 1] == x_vars[j]), 2])
X <- c(X, x_dat[i, x_vars[j]])
tmp[i, 'Y.hat'] <- int + sum(ests*X)
rss <- sum((tmp$Y-tmp$Y.hat)^2)
tss <- sum((tmp$Y-mean(tmp$Y, na.rm = TRUE))^2)
R.sq <- 1 - (rss/tss)
adj.R.sq <- 1 - ((1 - R.sq)*((n-1)/(n-p-1)))
out <- data.frame(R.sq = R.sq,
adj.R.sq = adj.R.sq)
if (display) {
cat(paste('Multiple R Squared =', round(R.sq, 4), '\n'))
cat(paste('Adjusted R Squared =', round(adj.R.sq, 4), '\n'))
} else {NA}
Temple University,↩︎