This function is used run all combinations of explanatory variables and rank them based on their AIC. Then the function averages the coefficients of the models that hold a certain amount of the model weight This function requires the packages 'AICcmodavg' and 'MuMIn'
data = NULL,
groups = NULL,
response = NULL,
x_vars = NULL,
cum.weight = 0.95,
table = FALSE,
std = "none"
The data frame that holds the data used in model
A data frame with 1 row that holds the groups names. For example, for introduced Anolis lizards
groups = data.frame(Genus = 'Anolis', Status = 'I')
A number equal to the cumulative weight of the models to be averaged.
Logical. If true a list is returned with the averaged coefficients in the first element and the AIC tables for each full model in the second element.
Value passed to dredge
and model.avg
to indicate whether and how the coefficients are standardized,
and must be one of "none"
, "sd"
or ""
. "sd"
standardizes the coefficients by the standard
deviation, and ""
standardizes the coefficients by the partial standard deviation (recommended if multicollinearity
is present among the predictors).
A data frame with the estimates and their 95 percent confidence interval of the averaged models for
each model in x
. If table = TRUE
then a list is returned with the second slot holding the
complete AIC tables for each model in x
if (FALSE) {
## is an object returned from sr.LM()
dat <-[['Data']][['Anolis.N']]
out <- AIC_avg([['Models']][['Anolis.N']],
data = dat,
response = 'Anolis.N',
x_vars = c(vars, 'sq_Area'),
groups = data.frame(Genus = 'Anolis',
Status = 'N'),
cum.weight = 0.95,
table = FALSE)