This function is used to compile data exported from Google's Earth Engine as CSV files into a single tibble. The function requires the package 'readr'
EE_compile(filepath, group, columns)
The file path to the folder that holds the exported CSV files from Earth Engine. Should be in the format produced by the file.path() function (i.e. with '/' instead of '\')
A character equal to the column name in which the feature names are stored (e.g. island names)
A character or vector of the column names that have the data of interest
A data frame of the selected data from the files exported from Google Earth Engine
if (FALSE) {
filepath <- file.path("G:", "Shared drives", "Caribbean Macrosystem", "data", "islands", "island_covariates", "landcover")
dat <- EE_compile(filepath,
group = "bank",
columns = c("max", "mean", "median", "min", "sd", "lower", "upper"))
## OR ##
dat <- EE_compile("G:/Shared drives/Caribbean Macrosystem/data/islands/island_covariates/landcover",
group = "bank",
columns = c("max", "mean", "median", "min", "sd", "lower", "upper"))