This function is used to determine the descendant species of each node in a phylogenetic tree. This function requires the package 'ape' and 'phangorn'
sep = "_",
report = TRUE,
age = FALSE
A time-resolved newick formatted tree
A data frame of occurrence or taxonomic data
A character equal to the name of the column in data
that holds the tip labels of tree
A character equal to the name of the column in data
that holds the species' names.
A character equal to the separator of the tip labels and the separator to be used in the column headers
of the resultant data frame.
For example: for 'Apis_mellifera' sep = '_'
(the default) or for 'Apis.mellifera' sep = '.'
Logical. If TRUE
, the species or groups (i.e. tip labels) that are in data
but not in tree
are returned.
Logical. If TRUE
, the clade crown ages are calculated and returned in the matrix.
A i x j data frame of presence/absence of j species in i clades determined by the phylogenetic nodes.
tree <- read.tree(file.path(here(), 'data_raw', 'trees', 'Tetrapoda_genus.nwk'))
#> Error in read.tree(file.path(here(), "data_raw", "trees", "Tetrapoda_genus.nwk")): could not find function "read.tree"
herp <- read.csv(file.path(here(), 'data_raw', 'IBT_Herp_Records_final.csv'), header = TRUE)
#> Error in here(): could not find function "here"
taxa <- read.csv(file.path(here(), 'data_raw', 'IBT_Sp_Taxonomy_v1.csv'), header = TRUE)
#> Error in here(): could not find function "here"
names(taxa)[which(names(taxa) == 'sp_in_Data')] <- 'binomial'
#> Error in names(taxa)[which(names(taxa) == "sp_in_Data")] <- "binomial": object 'taxa' not found
herp <- merge(herp, taxa[, c('binomial', 'Genus')], by = 'binomial', all = TRUE)
#> Error in merge(herp, taxa[, c("binomial", "Genus")], by = "binomial", all = TRUE): object 'herp' not found
clades <- node_clades(tree = tree, data = herp, tip.lvl = 'Genus', species = 'binomial', sep = '_', report = TRUE)
#> Error in is.factor(x): object 'herp' not found