This function is used to create a list of linear models using the lm()
with species richness (SR) as the response variable.
Requires the function stndrd()
from the 'caribmacro' package
area = NULL,
standardize = TRUE,
log_sr = TRUE,
log_area = FALSE,
sq_area = FALSE,
intercept = TRUE, = FALSE
A data frame in the format that is returned by SR_geo()
that holds the
species richness values for each species group and geographic feature of interest.
A data frame that holds the explanatory variables for each geographic feature of interest.
A character or vector equal to the column name(s) in 'data' that hold the explanatory variables of interest.
A character equal to the column name in 'SR' and 'data' in which the geographic feature names are stored. This needs to be equal for both the 'SR' and 'data' data frames.
Optional. A character or vector equal to the column name in 'data' that
holds the area of each geographic feature. This argument is required if the
log_area = TRUE
and/or sq_area = TRUE
Logical. If TRUE
then the explanatory variables are standardized by
mean centering and dividing by the standard deviation.
Logical. If TRUE
then the species richness is transformed by log(SR+1)
Logical. If TRUE
then the geographic area is log transformed by log(area)
Logical. If TRUE
then the geographic area is squared (i.e. area^2).
NOTE: if log_area = TRUE
then this option will square log(area).
Logical. If TRUE
(default), then the y-intercept is estimated. If FALSE
then the y-intercept is set to 0.
Logical. If TRUE
only complete cases will be included in the models.
This argument should be set to TRUE if models will be passed to AIC_analysis()
. Also, if
then the data used for each model will be exported in the list for use in AIC_analysis()
if (FALSE) {
dat <- read.csv(file.path(here(), 'data_raw', 'IBT_Herp_Records_v6.csv'), header=TRUE)
geo <- read.csv(file.path(here(), 'data_raw', 'bank_data.csv'), header=TRUE)
coms <- com_matrix(species = "binomial",
geo_group = "bank",
taxa_group = "class",
status = "bnk_status",
stat_levels = c("N", "E"),
total = TRUE,
data = dat)
SR <- SR_geo(data = coms, geo_group = "bank")
## Requires the function stndrd() <- sr_LM(SR = SR,
data = geo,
x_vars = c('area', 'isoPC1', 'isoPC2'),
geo_group = 'bank',
area = 'area',
log_area = TRUE,
sq_area = TRUE, = TRUE)