Final data storage should be on an online data repository
Data sharing permissions is determined by the Project Lead and the PI(s)
Once your data are finalized please make sure the final files are uploaded to the shared drive for your project in the R project folder. Upon leaving the lab, any researchers that authored a data file are required to meet with the PIs to make sure the final data are stored in a location the PIs can access and what (if any) repository the data should be uploaded to. The PIs will then back it up as needed after this.
When your paper(s) that use data you created are published, you should upload just the data used for that paper to an online repository. Many journals require this to be done when they accept your paper for publication. If the journal has a preferred repository to be used or has a deal for free storage with a certain repository, then please use that repository. Otherwise, we would like you to use Dryad for your data (discuss this with the PIs to be sure and determine how payment will be processed). Unfortunately, github and gitlab are not appropriate to use as an official data repository because they are not stable and therefore is not accepted by most journals and funding agencies.
Sensitive data, such as location data for endangered species at risk from poachers of personal information of human subjects, should cleaned of any information that could be used for unwelcome purposes before publicly sharing. This may include changing site names, removing GPS points, removing identifying information of human subjects, and so on. Before sharing any data, make sure to check with the PIs to determine the sensitivity of the information within the data you are sharing.
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Temple University,↩︎
Temple University,↩︎
Temple University,↩︎