Google Earth Engine Paninvasion Severity App Companion:

Huron, N. A., Behm, J. E. & Helmus, M. R. 2022. Paninvasion severity assessment of a U.S. grape pest to disrupt the global wine market. Communications Biology, 5:1–11.

Map Legend

The slrsk Paninvasion Severity App is an interactive map that allows for highly customizable visualization. When loaded, it will display a map of the earth with several different data layers already enabled (see image below for example).

Landing page and labeled visualization tools for slfrsk Paninvasion Severity App.

Map Widgets

The image shows several key tools that allow for interactive visualization. They are as follows:

  1. Zoom tool: can be used to zoom in (+) and zoom out (-)
  2. Annotation tools: allows for geographic annotation of points, lines, and polygons by the user. The hand icon returns to normal navigation.
  3. Location search bar: allows for navigating to a particular geographic region and functions similarly to searching on any GPS/navigation system.
  4. Layers panel: allows for toggling visibility on/off via check boxes or changing opacity (alpha) of slfrsk layers. See layers legend section below for further details on individual layers.
  5. Explore Geographic Focus: dropdown menu that allows for exploring key geographic regions
  • WRD: whole world view
  • PHL: Philadelphia metro regional view
  • ITA: northern Italy grape-growing view
  • FRA: southern France grape-growing view
  • ESP: northern Spain grape-growing view
  • CAL: norhtern California grape-growing view
  • ERA: Eurasian grape-growing view
  1. Establishment Potential Threshold: manually change the threshold of SLF establishment suitability (scaled [0,1]) such that values closer to 1 plot only the most suitable areas and values close to 0 plot closer to the full range of suitability.
  2. Legend Help link: clicking this link will direct back to this article (

Layers Panel

The layers panel contains several key measures of SLF invasion potential. Each layer can be turned on or off via the checkbox to the left of its name. Additionally, the opacity of each layer can be changed via the slider bar to the right of its name. Below, we present a detailed account of each layer and its source data, as well as its color scale and geometry.

Default view of Layers Panel for slfrsk Paninvasion Severity App.

  1. wine regions: important viticultural regions aggregated from the Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB, Bureau (2019)) and Wikipedia (2020) are depicted by purple points
  1. vineyards EU: areas reported to be cultivated as vineyards in Europe according to Agency (2018) are depicted by purple pixels
  1. vineyards U.S: areas reported to be cultivated as vineyards in the U.S according to USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (2019) are depicted by purple pixels
  1. establishment potential: the potential for establishment of SLF as determined from the suitability in the ensemble species distribution model (scaled \([0,1]\)). This layer is a shaded fill that goes with the Establishment Potential Threshold box discussed in the prior section.

  1. transport potential: the potential for transport of SLF as determined by the metric tonnage of trade with U.S states that are considered to have established SLF populations (scaled \([0,10]\)). This layer is a border outline for countries and U.S states.

  1. invasion risk: the severity of shock to the wine market as determined by the relationship between predicted values of average annual grape production based on SLF transport and establishment potential and average annual wine market size (scaled \([1,10]\)). This scaling ranges from a completely negative relationship at 1 to a completely positive relationship at 10 (thus explaining the change from the \([0,10]\) scale seen for other layers) This layer is a shaded fill for only countries that do not already have established SLF populations.

Data preparation

This vignette is a companion to the interactive slfrsk Google Earth Engine (EE) Paninvasion Severity App It provides a brief demonstration of how the data were treated prior to inclusion in the app. Output data from this vignette are saved in the shared GoogleDrive ./slfRiskMapping/data/slfrsk/ directory.


Here we load the packages that allow us to visualize color palettes and reformat shapefile data and merge with the summarized potentials data visualized in vignette-021-quadrant-plots.

library(rgeos)  #gSimplify
library(cleangeo) #clgeo_Clean

Summary data

We then read in the summary data for both states and countries from vignette-010-tidy-data to eventually merge with shapfiles. We also remove any countries with establishment potential that are -Inf values.


#rm the -Inf countries
#countries_summary_future_ensemble <- countries_summary_future_ensemble %>%
#      filter(!ID %in% c("Antarctica", "Monaco", "Norfolk Island", "Spratly Islands"))
countries_summary_present_ensemble <- countries_summary_present_ensemble %>%
      filter(!ID %in% c("Antarctica", "Monaco", "Norfolk Island", "Spratly Islands"))

We now transform the summary data to represent scaled versions of the three potentials (transport, establishment, and impact). Each of these potentials are saved in new columns: transport, establishment, and two for impact (impact_wine and impact_grape), which include values for the corresponding potential that are \(\log_{10}(value+1)\) transformed and then bounded \([0,10]\).

To bound these values, each \(\log\)-transformed value undergoes the following, based on the existing input data and round to a single digit for visualization:

  • \(transport_{[0,10]} = \frac{transport - \min(transport)}{\max(transport)}*10\)
  • \(establishment_{[0,10]} = establishment*10\)
  • \(impact_{[0,10]} = \frac{impact}{\max(impact)}*10\)

After these transformations, we go ahead and round the raw data for reducing file size to 5 significant digits.

states_summary_present_ensemble <- states_summary_present_ensemble %>%
  #transport in 2 mutate steps
  mutate(transport = log10_avg_infected_mass - min(log10_avg_infected_mass)) %>%
  mutate(transport = round(x = transport / max(transport), digits = 1)*10) %>%
  mutate(establishment = round(x = grand_mean_max, digits = 1)*10) %>%
  mutate(impact_wine = round(x = log10_avg_wine / max(log10_avg_wine), digits = 1)*10) %>%
  mutate(impact_grape = round(x = log10_avg_prod / max(log10_avg_prod), digits = 1)*10)

states_summary_present_ensemble <- states_summary_present_ensemble %>%
  mutate(grand_mean_max = signif(grand_mean_max, digits = 5),
         #grand_se_max = signif(grand_se_max, digits = 5),
         avg_wine = signif(avg_wine, digits = 5),
         se_wine = signif(se_wine, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_wine = signif(log10_avg_wine, digits = 5),
         avg_yield = signif(avg_yield, digits = 5),
         se_yield = signif(se_yield, digits = 5),
         avg_prod = signif(avg_prod, digits = 5),
         se_prod = signif(se_prod, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_yield = signif(log10_avg_yield, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_prod = signif(log10_avg_prod, digits = 5),
         avg_infected_trade = formatC(signif(avg_infected_trade, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         se_trade = formatC(signif(se_trade, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         avg_infected_mass = formatC(signif(avg_infected_mass, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         se_mass = formatC(signif(se_mass, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         log10_avg_infected_trade = signif(log10_avg_infected_trade, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_infected_mass = signif(log10_avg_infected_mass, digits = 5)

countries_summary_present_ensemble <- countries_summary_present_ensemble %>%
  #transport in 2 mutate steps
  mutate(transport = log10_avg_infected_mass - min(log10_avg_infected_mass)) %>%
  mutate(transport = round(x = transport / max(transport), digits = 1)*10) %>%
  mutate(establishment = round(x = grand_mean_max, digits = 1)*10) %>%
  mutate(impact_wine = round(x = log10_avg_wine / max(log10_avg_wine), digits = 1)*10) %>%
  mutate(impact_grape = round(x = log10_avg_prod / max(log10_avg_prod), digits = 1)*10)

countries_summary_present_ensemble <- countries_summary_present_ensemble %>%
  mutate(grand_mean_max = signif(grand_mean_max, digits = 5),
         #grand_se_max = signif(grand_se_max, digits = 5),
         avg_wine = signif(avg_wine, digits = 5),
         se_wine = signif(se_wine, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_wine = signif(log10_avg_wine, digits = 5),
         avg_yield = signif(avg_yield, digits = 5),
         se_yield = signif(se_yield, digits = 5),
         avg_prod = signif(avg_prod, digits = 5),
         se_prod = signif(se_prod, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_yield = signif(log10_avg_yield, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_prod = signif(log10_avg_prod, digits = 5),
         avg_infected_trade = formatC(signif(avg_infected_trade, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         se_trade = formatC(signif(se_trade, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         avg_infected_mass = formatC(signif(avg_infected_mass, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         se_mass = formatC(signif(se_mass, digits = 5), format = "e"),
         log10_avg_infected_trade = signif(log10_avg_infected_trade, digits = 5),
         log10_avg_infected_mass = signif(log10_avg_infected_mass, digits = 5)

We also need to obtain the predicted invasion severity from vignette-041-market-plot. We have conveniently saved those data as data/countries_severity.rda, which actually is a modified version of countries_summary_present. We will load these data, round the new columns, and join by ID (note thatstates do not have values for these fields, as they were not evaluated this way).

For reference, please see vignette-041-market-plot for methods to produce market_size (\(log_{10}(value+1)\) transformed average wine exports) and sev (scaled invasion severity \([1,10]\)).

We also rename market_size to mkt_size to meet the ESRI shapefile column name requirements.

#read in market severity data

#round similarly and rename market_size
countries_sev <- countries_sev %>%
  mutate(mkt_size = signif(market_size, digits = 5),
         sev = signif(sev, digits = 5)
         ) %>%

#merge the two datasets
countries_summary_present_ensemble <- countries_summary_present_ensemble %>%
  left_join(., countries_sev, by = "ID")


We use the shared GoogleDrive file that contains downloaded GADM shapefiles ( for both countries and states geopolitical borders.

  #shapefile of USA: data obtained from GADM:
states <- readOGR(dsn = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/gadm36_USA_shp/gadm36_USA_1.shp", verbose = F, p4s = '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0')

#states <- readOGR(dsn = file.path(here(), "..", "..", "..", "..", "..", "data", "slfrsk", "geo_shapefiles", "gadm36_USA_shp", "gadm36_USA_1.shp"), verbose = F, p4s = '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0') 

  #shapefile of world by countries
countries <- readOGR("/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/gadm36_levels_shp/gadm36_0.shp", verbose = F, p4s = '+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs +ellps=WGS84 +towgs84=0,0,0')

There are a few shapefile data entries that need to be cleaned, so we alter the names. We also removed the U.S from countries, as in other analyses.

#change DC name
#states@data$NAME_1 <- gsub(pattern = "Washington DC", replacement = "District of Columbia", x = states@data$NAME_1)

countries@data$NAME_0[grep(pattern = "Ivoire", x = countries@data$NAME_0, value = F)] <- "Ivory Coast"
countries@data$NAME_0[grep(pattern = "ncipe", x = countries@data$NAME_0, value = F)] <- "Sao Tome and Principe"
countries@data$NAME_0[grep(pattern = "Cura", x = countries@data$NAME_0, value = F)] <- "Curacao"
countries@data$NAME_0[grep(pattern = "Saint Bart", x = countries@data$NAME_0, value = F)] <- "Saint Barthelemy"

#rm USA
countries <- countries[countries$NAME_0 != "United States",]

These shapefiles are rather large and unwieldly. To make the more manageable, we use rgeos::gSimplify() to make them smaller by modifying the tol parameter, which is the value used in the Douglas-Peuker algorithm. For countries, we downsized the used file in addition to the _lo versions used for both countries and states.

#note that tol= can be modified to make the polygons simpler, larger values make the shapefile coarser
states_lo <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = rgeos::gSimplify(spgeom = states, topologyPreserve = TRUE, tol = 0.01), data = states@data)
countries <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = rgeos::gSimplify(spgeom = countries, topologyPreserve = TRUE, tol = 0.01), data = countries@data)
countries_lo <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(Sr = rgeos::gSimplify(spgeom = countries, topologyPreserve = TRUE, tol = 0.01), data = countries@data)

Following this, the shapefiles were filtered to only geopolitical entities that are in the corresponding countries and states data.

states <- states[states@data$NAME_1 %in% unique(states_summary_present_ensemble$geopol_unit),]
states_lo <- states_lo[states_lo@data$NAME_1 %in% unique(states_summary_present_ensemble$geopol_unit),]
countries <- countries[countries@data$NAME_0 %in% unique(countries_summary_present_ensemble$geopol_unit),]
countries_lo <- countries_lo[countries_lo@data$NAME_0 %in% unique(countries_summary_present_ensemble$geopol_unit),]

In the downscaling and filtering process, we needed to make sure that the geometries are intact and cleaned, and so we used the clgeo_Clean() function to ensure that the shapefiles work appropriately.

#might as well clean them all
states <- clgeo_Clean(states)
states_lo <- clgeo_Clean(states_lo)
countries <- clgeo_Clean(countries)
countries_lo <- clgeo_Clean(countries_lo)

Data merging

Now, we use left_join() to join the shapefile@data table to the corresponding summary data.

states@data <- left_join(states@data, states_summary_present_ensemble, by = c("NAME_1" = "geopol_unit"))
states_lo@data <- left_join(states_lo@data, states_summary_present_ensemble, by = c("NAME_1" = "geopol_unit"))
countries@data <- left_join(countries@data, countries_summary_present_ensemble, by = c("NAME_0" = "geopol_unit"))
countries_lo@data <- left_join(countries_lo@data, countries_summary_present_ensemble, by = c("NAME_0" = "geopol_unit"))

We also rename the column fields to accommodate for ESRI shapefile column name character limits. A README file exists in the GoogleDrive ./slfData/data/slfrsk/ that outlines the keys for the old names and the shorter names used here.

#colnames(states@data)[13:35] <- c("gmean_max","gse_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape")
colnames(states@data)[13:34] <- c("gmean_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape")

#colnames(states_lo@data)[13:35] <- c("gmean_max","gse_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape")
colnames(states_lo@data)[13:34] <- c("gmean_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape") 

#colnames(countries@data)[5:27] <- c("gmean_max","gse_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape")
colnames(countries@data)[5:26] <- c("gmean_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape")

#colnames(countries_lo@data)[5:27] <- c("gmean_max","gse_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape")
colnames(countries_lo@data)[5:26] <- c("gmean_max","wine","grapes","avg_wine","se_wine","lavg_wine","avg_yield","se_yield","avg_prod","se_prod","lavg_yield","lavg_prod","avg_itrad","se_trad","avg_imass","se_mass","lavg_itrad","lavg_imass", "transport", "establish", "imp_wine", "imp_grape") 

To create a streamlined dataset, we make a version that includes both countries and states together, called combined (for combined data).

#create the combined data tables
comb <- countries@data %>%
  mutate(NAME_1 = NAME_0) %>%
  full_join(., states@data) %>%
comb_lo <- countries_lo@data %>%
  mutate(NAME_1 = NAME_0) %>%
  full_join(., states_lo@data) %>%

#change the data tables
states@data <- comb %>% filter(NAME_0 == "United States")
states_lo@data <- comb %>% filter(NAME_0 == "United States")
countries@data <- comb %>% filter(NAME_0 != "United States")
countries_lo@data <- comb %>% filter(NAME_0 != "United States")

#final merge step
combined <- rbind(states, countries, makeUniqueIDs = TRUE)
combined_lo <- rbind(states_lo, countries_lo, makeUniqueIDs = TRUE)

Save shapefiles for EE

The newly merged shapefiles (countries, states, and combined for regular and _lo versions) are written to the shared GoogleDrive directory ./slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/gadm36_USA_with_data/for visualization with EE.

writeOGR(obj = states, dsn = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/gadm36_USA_with_data/",  driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer = "states", verbose = FALSE, overwrite_layer = TRUE)
writeOGR(obj = states_lo, dsn = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/gadm36_USA_with_data/",  driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer = "states_lores", verbose = FALSE, overwrite_layer = TRUE)

writeOGR(obj = countries, dsn = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/gadm36_levels_with_data/",  driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer = "countries", verbose = FALSE, overwrite_layer = TRUE)
writeOGR(obj = countries_lo, dsn = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/gadm36_levels_with_data/",  driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer = "countries_lores", verbose = FALSE, overwrite_layer = TRUE)

writeOGR(obj = combined, dsn = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/combined/",  driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer = "combined", verbose = FALSE, overwrite_layer = TRUE)
writeOGR(obj = combined_lo, dsn = "/Volumes/GoogleDrive-104607290079958926089/Shared drives/slfData/data/slfrsk/geo_shapefiles/combined/",  driver="ESRI Shapefile", layer = "combined_lores", verbose = FALSE, overwrite_layer = TRUE)

Supplemental check of shapefiles

Fortify data to test for plotting with ggplot2.

#states_summary_present[match(x = states@data$NAME_1, table = states_summary_present$geopol_unit),]

#states2 <- broom::tidy(states)

#fortifying to make points
states_gg <- fortify(states_lo, region = "NAME_1")
#> SpP is invalid
states_gg <- left_join(states_gg, states_summary_present_ensemble, by = c("id" = "geopol_unit"))

#try with all
#combined_gg <- fortify(combined_lo, region = "NAME_1")
#combined_gg <- left_join(combined_gg, comb_lo, by = c("id" = "geopol_unit"))

Try to plot data with ggplot2.

ggplot(states_gg[!states_gg$id %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii"),]) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = transport)) +

ggplot(states_gg[!states_gg$id %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii"),]) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = establishment)) +

ggplot(states_gg[!states_gg$id %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii"),]) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = impact_wine)) +

ggplot(states_gg[!states_gg$id %in% c("Alaska", "Hawaii"),]) +
  geom_polygon(aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group, fill = impact_grape)) +


Agency, European Environment. 2018. CORINE Land CoverCopernicus Land Monitoring Service.” Land {Section}.
Bureau, U. S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade. 2019. “Established AVAs.”
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, NASS. 2019. CropScape - NASS CDL Program.”
Wikipedia. 2020. “Https://”